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 WWE: Satan´s Prison Elimination Chamber Anthology (2010)

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Mr Johnston
Mr Johnston

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WWE: Satan´s Prison Elimination Chamber Anthology (2010) Empty
PostSubject: WWE: Satan´s Prison Elimination Chamber Anthology (2010)   WWE: Satan´s Prison Elimination Chamber Anthology (2010) EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 3:08 pm

WWE: Satan´s Prison Elimination Chamber Anthology (2010) W0264210

•The Chamber is born.
•Survivor Series 2002Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho, Kane and Booker T
•What makes the Chamber unique.
•Summerslam 2003Triple H, Goldberg, Chris Jericho, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton
•The King of Kings is King of the Chamber.
•New Year’s Revolution 2005Triple H wins his third chamber in a row
•Edge takes advantage.
•New Years Revolution 2006John Cena, Kurt Angle, Carlito, Kane, Chris Masters and Shawn Michaels
•ECW takes center stage.
•December to Dismember 2006Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, Big Show, Test, Hardcore Holly and Rob Van Dam
•The Monsters invade the Chamber.
•No Way Out 2008Undertaker, Big Daddy V, MVP, Batista, Finlay and Great Khali
•No Way Out 2008Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, JBL, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Umaga
•Disc Two:
•Two is better than one.
•No Way Out 2009John Cena, Edge, Mike Knox, Rey Mysterio, Kane and Chris Jericho
•No Way Out 2009Edge, Big Show, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Vladimir Kozlov and Triple H
•Shaping Wrestlemania
•Elimination Chamber 2010Sheamus, Ted Dibiase, Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston
•Elimination Chamber 2010Undertaker, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and R-Truth
•What’s next ?
•Bonus Content:
•The Game speaks out on his signature match.
•Elimination Chamber Qualifying match: Chris Jericho vs Carlito
•Elimination Chamber Qualifying match: Shawn Michaels vs Kane
•Elimination Chamber Qualifying match: Triple H vs Rob Van Dam
•Elimination Chamber Qualifying match: Undertaker vs Mark Henry



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02: http://videos.sapo.pt/6Ozkv9QzhnWZddl9CDWH
03: http://videos.sapo.pt/7JldwjdmHvC6p5Pfr10B
04: http://videos.sapo.pt/jZYpEVLNyZON6MdGF7ov
05: http://videos.sapo.pt/HL2bj1VdUQzjFAB7ia8Q
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07: http://videos.sapo.pt/KdAW3kRMuo4jykhTRhwb
08: http://videos.sapo.pt/PfY0ev7QN4Jj0YzjTbJe

DVD2 :

01: http://videos.sapo.pt/nUGRzfDzrNMG50y1dlgE
02: http://videos.sapo.pt/4ITnysozpd3H9iskqgbO
03: http://videos.sapo.pt/W5JjABhZU4ICGPQNSS0s
04: http://videos.sapo.pt/CozrSz6wY7FuMPE1u8uE
05: http://videos.sapo.pt/CBchEHH1QrwFzejeG6jQ
06: http://videos.sapo.pt/bsm4UoA2m7kWI1BIWLUq
07: http://videos.sapo.pt/T5lJwSm5G28jLzfF2Eby
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09: http://videos.sapo.pt/qhGop1h4yMAR16a7wrEz
10: http://videos.sapo.pt/Kz2ByCzR4Mj6l02p9LpF

DVD3 :

01: http://videos.sapo.pt/Fi8mZbgdsDBO3pTylhOV
02: http://videos.sapo.pt/ayNoikhjsrkz9zrE6aW6
03: http://videos.sapo.pt/S8HwoIfsKEp3kV0dAi8r
04: http://videos.sapo.pt/uBkl2cLRHG5Dl5ZspL4S
05: http://videos.sapo.pt/yyDYK30g4nbKf7qO4Sla
06: http://videos.sapo.pt/sM5w8JYZyZeo3I2mPrdz
07: http://videos.sapo.pt/YRDgmG3ruC51fi07WlVD
08: http://videos.sapo.pt/05AbuqDwgp9R4kiI0Ryw
09: http://videos.sapo.pt/lf9tQaCrNapCKgc3sdyO
10: http://videos.sapo.pt/oNthqR2UmvHjdhutHQ3I
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